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Structural Performance of CAP-DECK

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Structural Performance of CAP-DECK

In order to verify the structural performance of CAP-DECK, we have experimented with the real size sample by using a simple 9m support, a 7m span, a both-end continuous 8.1m span, and sand. Through this experiment, we confirmed the structural integrity of CAP-DECK and verified the theory. The outstanding structural performance result indicated that the CAP-DECK only allowed about 4.6mm deflection when we installed an 8.1m shoring-free deck, considering CAP-DECK’s camber L/250 (32.4mm)
Structural Performance Full-Scale Loading Test
Structural Performance Experiment Process

Allowable Span Table (Max. allowable simple span during construction)

CAPO-DECK different span depends on end-support condition topping and span, the performance for each condition is listed below
CAP-DECK Yield Strength: fy=295MPa
CAP-DECK Yield Strength: fy=295MPa
Classification Deck thickness Topping Avg. slab thickness Max. clear span
1.2t 100 160 6.9m
120 180 6.7m
135 195 6.5m
150 210 6.3m
180 240 6.0m
200 260 5.8m
1.2t 100 160 7.6m
120 180 7.4m
135 195 7.2m
150 210 6.9m
180 240 6.2m
200 260 5.8m
CAP-DECK Yield Strength: fy=335MPa
Classification Deck thickness Topping Avg. slab thickness Max. clear span
1.4t 100 160 7.8m
120 180 7.6m
135 195 7.5m
150 210 7.3m
180 240 6.9m
200 260 6.7m
Continuous support 1.4t 100 160 8.6m
120 180 8.4m
135 195 8.3m
150 210 8.2m
180 240 7.9m
200 260 7.7m
CAP-DECK Section Properties
Neutral axis
Deck depth
Section modulus
정(+) 부(-)
250 1.0 16.59 20.35 15.64 1834.12 117.28 195.91
1.2 19.95 24.42 15.64 2200.97 140.74 235.09
1.4 23.22 28.49 15.64 2567.81 164.20 274.27
1.6 26.54 32.57 15.64 2934.65 187.66 313.46