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CAP-DECK Applications

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CAP-DECK Applications

CAP-DECK can secure both constructability and economic efficiency by reducing sub-materials, fireproofing protection, and by using a shoring-free method when connecting with composite beams.
I Beam/Delta Beam

An economical method that reduces story height when used with installation decks on the lower flange of an I-beam

TU Beam/Omega Beam

An economical method that reduces the amount of steel used on the side


Economical through optimization of the side section

CPS Beam

Economical with high constructability. Reduces vibration and the amount of steel frames used and improves deflection

Reinforced Concrete Beam (Traditional method, BRD method)

Shoring-free long span system for a top-down method with tall story height

PC Beam

Increases cost-saving factors by reducing weight and transport compared to PC slabs