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Fireproofing Construction

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Composition of Composite Slab
Fireproofing Construction
Product Materials
Steel deck for structure Concrete Wire Mesh Spacer STUD CONNECTOR
KEM 75 KSD 3506
Continuous galvanized sheet
Min. 210kgf/cm2
Thickness: min. 80mm
Slump: 15cm
Air amount: 4.5%
KSD 7017: D6_100x100
Min. thickness of cover concrete: over 20mm
Lap splice length: 150mm
KSD 3553
Normal steel wire
KSD 3752
Carbon steel for machine structural use
Min. Æ16
2 hours
Structural Detail
Sectional Detail
Fireproofing Requirements
Fireproofing Requirements
Product Plate thickness mm Gap between beams m Concrete thickness m Load kgf/ m2 Fireproofing
KEM 75 B Min. 1.6 Max. 4.0 Min. 80 Max. 650 2 hours
R Min. 1.2 Max. 3.6 Min. 80 Max. 630 2 hours
S Min. 1.2 Max. 3.3 Min. 80 Max. 900 2 hours
T Min. 1.2 Max. 3.0 Min. 80 Max. 1,080 2 hours
Fireproofing Test